16th April 2021 to 18th April 2021
First trip post lock-down – Sandringham and the north Norfolk coast
High pressure has been in control of the weather this week. It has been dry, clear and sunny albeit with ice in the mornings. This is my favourite time of year and my favourite weather. We just had to get out and about as soon as possible after the lifting of the restrictions on camping sites was lifted on the 12th April.
Neither Moira nor myself had been over to the Norfolk area for many, many years, so we decided on a short trip to Sandringham on the north coast. There are two sites in this area, both in the grounds of the Queen’s Sandrigham Estate. As we are a member of the Caravan and Motorhome Club (CMAC) we chose that one – The Sandringham Estate Caravan Club Site.
We arrived just after mid-day on Friday and found a very nice pitch in the sunshine. After a quick bite to eat we went exploringing and found the path the the gates at Sandringham. As the Duke’s funeral was the next day, the gates (whilst closed) were covered in floral tributes. There are a few photos in the carasel below. A lovely tribute.
With the sun out again on Saturday we headed toward Hunstanton. We parked on the sea front of the old town, by the lighthouse and Hunstanton Cliffs and spent the morning walking down to the peir at the newer end of Hunstanton. So good to be by the sea in beautiful sunshine. After a good few hours of walking we went back to the van for lunch.
The afternoon was a repeat of the morning but walking north east toward Holme Dunes. The tide was going out by now and the beach grew to an immense expanse of golden sand ahead of us as we walked. It was much quieter along this streatch with the dunes giving way to marshland and providing habitat for some unusual and interesting birds (I didn’t recognised most) rather than the usual gulls down by the peir and fun fair.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, Moira is a keen gardener and Geoff Hamilton’s gardens in Barnsdale are a favourite (Barnsdale Gardens ). So on the return journey home on Sunday we popped in again. Apparantly they sell plants that no one else does!!
Here are a few photos :

All in all a very pleasant weekend. The site was excellent (as we are coimg to expect from CMAC sites) , Sandringham and Hunstanton are both places we would return to, and the weather was superb. A great start ot the season for us.
Motorhome Niggles
Another trip with almost no Motorhome problems. “Almost” because the dinette table is coming loose again at the bracket.
BTW: the motorised waste valve worked great!!
Round trip distance 275 miles according to google maps.